Writing Custom Sizers and Filters

It’s quick and easy to create new Sizers and Filters for use on your project’s VersatileImageField fields or modify already-registered Sizers and Filters.

Both Sizers and Filters subclass from versatileimagefield.datastructures.base.ProcessedImage which provides a preprocessing API as well as all the business logic necessary to retrieve and save images.

The ‘meat’ of each Sizer & Filter – what actually modifies the original image – resides within the process_image method which all subclasses must define (not doing so will raise a NotImplementedError). Sizers and Filters expect slightly different keyword arguments (Sizers required width and height, for example) see below for specifics:

Writing a Custom Sizer

All Sizers should subclass versatileimagefield.datastructures.sizedimage.SizedImage and, at a minimum, MUST do two things:

  1. Define either the filename_key attribute or override the get_filename_key() method which is necessary for creating unique-to-Sizer-and-size-specified filenames. If neither of the aforementioned is done a NotImplementedError exception will be raised.
  2. Define a process_image method that accepts the following arguments:
    • image: a PIL Image instance
    • image_format: A valid image mime type (e.g. ‘image/jpeg’). This is provided by the create_resized_image method (which calls process_image).
    • save_kwargs: A dict of any keyword arguments needed by PIL’s Image.save method (initially provided by the pre-processing API).
    • width: An integer representing the width specified by the user in the size key.
    • height: An integer representing the height specified by the user in the size key.

For an example, let’s take a look at the thumbnail Sizer (versatileimagefield.versatileimagefield.ThumbnailImage):

import StringIO

from PIL import Image

from .datastructures import SizedImage

class ThumbnailImage(SizedImage):
    Sizes an image down to fit within a bounding box

    See the `process_image()` method for more information

    filename_key = 'thumbnail'

    def process_image(self, image, image_format, save_kwargs,
                      width, height):
        Returns a StringIO instance of `image` that will fit
        within a bounding box as specified by `width`x`height`
        imagefile = StringIO.StringIO()
            (width, height),
        return imagefile


process_image should always return a StringIO instance. See What process_image should return for more information.

Writing a Custom Filter

All Filters should subclass versatileimagefield.datastructures.filteredimage.FilteredImage and only need to define a process_image method with following arguments:

  • image: a PIL Image instance
  • image_format: A valid image mime type (e.g. ‘image/jpeg’). This is provided by the create_resized_image() method (which calls process_image).
  • save_kwargs: A dict of any keyword arguments needed by PIL’s Image.save method (initially provided by the pre-processing API).

For an example, let’s take a look at the invert Filter (versatileimagefield.versatileimagefield.InvertImage):

import StringIO

from PIL import ImageOps

from .datastructures import FilteredImage

class InvertImage(FilteredImage):
    Inverts the colors of an image.

    See the `process_image()` for more specifics

    def process_image(self, image, image_format, save_kwargs={}):
        Returns a StringIO instance of `image` with inverted colors
        imagefile = StringIO.StringIO()
        inv_image = ImageOps.invert(image)
        return imagefile


process_image should always return a StringIO instance. See What process_image should return for more information.

What process_image should return

Any process_image method you write should always return a StringIO instance comprised of raw image data. The actual image file will be written to your field’s storage class via the save_image method. Note how save_kwargs is passed into PIL’s Image.save method in the examples above, this ensures PIL knows how to write this data (based on mime type or any other per-filetype specific options provided by the preprocessing API).

The Pre-processing API

Both Sizers and Filters have access to a pre-processing API that provides hooks for doing any per-mime-type processing. This allows your Sizers and Filters to do one thing for JPEGs and another for GIFs, for instance. One example of this is in how Sizers ‘know’ how to preserve transparency for GIFs or save JPEGs as RGB (at the user-defined quality):

# versatileimagefield/datastructures/sizedimage.py
class SizedImage(ProcessedImage, dict):
    "<a bunch of ommited code here>"

    def preprocess_GIF(self, image, **kwargs):
        Receives a PIL Image instance of a GIF and returns 2-tuple:
            * [0]: Original Image instance (passed to `image`)
            * [1]: Dict with a transparency key (to GIF transparency layer)
        return (image, {'transparency': image.info['transparency']})

    def preprocess_JPEG(self, image, **kwargs):
        Receives a PIL Image instance of a JPEG and returns 2-tuple:
            * [0]: Image instance, converted to RGB
            * [1]: Dict with a quality key (mapped to the value of `QUAL` as
                   defined by the `VERSATILEIMAGEFIELD_JPEG_RESIZE_QUALITY`
        if image.mode != 'RGB':
            image = image.convert('RGB')
        return (image, {'quality': QUAL})

All pre-processors should accept one required argument image (A PIL Image instance) and **kwargs (for easy extension by subclasses) and return a 2-tuple of the image and a dict of any additional keyword arguments to pass along to PIL’s Image.save method.

Pre-processor Naming Convention

In order for preprocessor methods to run, they need to be named correctly via this simple naming convention: preprocess_FILETYPE. Here’s a list of all currently-supported file types:

  • BMP
  • DCX
  • EPS
  • GIF
  • JPEG
  • PCD
  • PCX
  • PDF
  • PNG
  • PPM
  • PSD
  • TIFF
  • XBM
  • XPM

So, if you’d want to write a PNG-specific preprocessor, your Sizer or Filter would need to define a method named preprocess_PNG.


I’ve only tested VersatileImageField with PNG, GIF and JPEG files; the list above is what PIL supports, for more information about per filetype support in PIL visit here.

Registering Sizers and Filters

Registering Sizers and Filters is easy and straight-forward; if you’ve ever registered a model with django’s admin you’ll feel right at home.

django-versatileimagefield finds Sizers & Filters within modules named versatileimagefield – (i.e. versatileimagefield.py) that are available at the ‘top level’ of each app on INSTALLED_APPS.

Here’s an example:

    models.py               # Models
    admin.py                # Admin config
    versatilimagefield.py   # Custom Sizers and Filters here

After defining your Sizers and Filters you’ll need to register them with the versatileimagefield_registry. Here’s how the ThumbnailSizer is registered (see the highlighted lines in the following code block for the relevant bits):

# versatileimagefield/versatileimagefield.py
import StringIO

from PIL import Image

from .datastructures import SizedImage
from .registry import versatileimagefield_registry

class ThumbnailImage(SizedImage):
    Sizes an image down to fit within a bounding box

    See the `process_image()` method for more information

    filename_key = 'thumbnail'

    def process_image(self, image, image_format, save_kwargs,
                      width, height):
        Returns a StringIO instance of `image` that will fit
        within a bounding box as specified by `width`x`height`
        imagefile = StringIO.StringIO()
            (width, height),
        return imagefile

# Registering the ThumbnailSizer to be available on VersatileImageField
# via the `thumbnail` attribute
versatileimagefield_registry.register_sizer('thumbnail', ThumbnailImage)]

All Sizers are registered via the versatileimagefield_registry.register_sizer method. The first argument is the attribute you want to make the Sizer available at and the second is the SizedImage subclass.

Filters are just as easy. Here’s how the InvertImage filter is registered (see the highlighted lines in the following code block for the relevant bits):

import StringIO

from PIL import ImageOps

from .datastructures import FilteredImage
from .registry import versatileimagefield_registry

class InvertImage(FilteredImage):
    Inverts the colors of an image.

    See the `process_image()` for more specifics

    def process_image(self, image, image_format, save_kwargs={}):
        Returns a StringIO instance of `image` with inverted colors
        imagefile = StringIO.StringIO()
        inv_image = ImageOps.invert(image)
        return imagefile

versatileimagefield_registry.register_filter('invert', InvertImage)

All Filters are registered via the versatileimagefield_registry.register_filter method. The first argument is the attribute you want to make the Filter available at and the second is the FilteredImage subclass.

Unallowed Sizer & Filter Names

Sizer and Filter names cannot begin with an underscore as it would prevent them from being accessible within the template layer. Additionally, since Sizers are available for use directly on a VersatileImageField, there are some Sizer names that are unallowed; trying to register a Sizer with one of the following names will result in a UnallowedSizerName exception:

  • build_filters_and_sizers
  • chunks
  • close
  • closed
  • create_on_demand
  • delete
  • encoding
  • field
  • file
  • fileno
  • filters
  • flush
  • height
  • instance
  • isatty
  • multiple_chunks
  • name
  • newlines
  • open
  • path
  • ppoi
  • read
  • readinto
  • readline
  • readlines
  • save
  • seek
  • size
  • softspace
  • storage
  • tell
  • truncate
  • url
  • validate_ppoi
  • width
  • write
  • writelines
  • xreadlines

Overriding an existing Sizer or Filter

If you try to register a Sizer or Filter with an attribute name that’s already in use (like crop or thumbnail or invert), an AlreadyRegistered exception will raise.


A Sizer can have the same name as a Filter (since names are only required to be unique per type) however it’s not recommended.

If you’d like to override an already-registered Sizer or Filter just use either the unregister_sizer or unregister_filter methods of versatileimagefield_registry. Here’s how you could ‘override’ the crop Sizer:

from versatileimagefield.registry import versatileimagefield_registry

# Unregistering the 'crop' Sizer
# Registering a custom 'crop' Sizer
versatileimagefield_registry.register_sizer('crop', SomeCustomSizedImageCls)

The order that Sizers and Filters register corresponds to their containing app’s position on INSTALLED_APPS. This means that if you want to override one of the default Sizers or Filters your app needs to be included after 'versatileimagefield':

# settings.py
    'yourcustomapp'  # This app can override the default Sizers and Filters